Tuesday 31 March 2009

To see if I can see the things I see everyday in a new light

I use the term loosely as I have never studied photography and I haven't studied an art since I was 16 (unless you count languages). Yesterday I was sitting around bored out of my mind and I decided to set myself the target of taking photo's of the things I see everyday in their normal boring states and see if I could make them beautiful. The thing about being stuck at home every single day is that you overlook the beauty around you. There is beauty everywhere. So i went with my shitty digital camera in hand to go outside and snap away (whilst holding the lends open manually as its broken... and its not actually mine, woops). 

Considering I don't take photography and I don't have photoshop on this laptop I think I have done pretty damn well! I decided to edit them in a variety of ways. I came to realise I liked contrast, shadow, lines, curves, that kind fo thing. Although views are beautiful, they are not easy to photograph and don't give you good contrast and all that crap bla bla bla. So i ended up focusing on close ups of things I see all the time but I don't really look at.

I have made a slideshow at the bottom with more of them.

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