Tuesday 31 March 2009


Sometimes I just find myself flitting between hobbies because the idea of them is brilliant, but putting that into action, not always great fun. 

Since I've been home I have made photographic collages, started sketching again, eaten my weight in food, read roughly 40 books, listened to 10x more obscure albums than I usually would, started tearing apart my clothes and re-sewing them and researching art and photography online. I have also started learning about social exclusion, childrens rights, social policy, education law & policy amongst other policy stuff all relating to the degree I will hopefully start in September. I would try more energetic hobbies, but I have a feeling I would probably keel over and not get up again. 

Yet I still just don't know what to do with myself. I'm fine if I have to go to work or see someone or have some sort of purpose that is not just relative to relying upon myself, then I am fine as I can get something productive done. But it is almost like I can't quite rely on myself to do anything productive.

I have made myself a challenge for tomorrow to photograph random aspects of my everday life and see if I can make it beautiful and interesting... well at least that gives me something to do I suppose.

I think it's probably worth mentioning that I have dropped out fo university because I was diagnosed with ME and have been trying to work around that for the past couple of months, which in one sense is good because finally the last few years make sense and bad because, well because I have ME. 

I think VICE magazine is my savior

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